Bit of snow in the hills...but man were they purty! Wish the sun could of been out more...
Wished I would of been there when they blew this mountain wide open!
My highlight of the day was when we finally got to our hotel room in Revelstoke BC. I unloaded Max and our 5 dogs and headed out for a nice ride in town. I took the walking path along the river than rode through some residential places (the folks out smoking took a second look but no words....) I ended up riding under a bridge with a train going over it and Max wondered if it was safe, a quick pet on his neck sealed the deal. I had a few looks by the folks walking their dogs in the dark but I just told them I was too lazy to walk my dogs so I brought a And to think this is just day one! But Max goes home tommorow, oh how I wished I brought another one....ugh. Listening to husbands can be a bad Chat to you tommorow!!!!!!!!
It was good to see you at the Rodeo. Would have liked to have more time to catch up. Anyway, have a safe trip out to the coast. Gaye's "Hollywood" horse looks great!! And broke for trains - wow. Say hi to her for me.
Good to see you too Shelley to bad we were late for the rodeo! Have to catch up with you this winter, come on down to the cabin. Just making a video on the clinic you were in. Watch for it on you tube!
I love your comment about being too lazy to walk the dogs, so you brought your horse! That's what I was saying last winter when you girls had your walking thing going on! LOL smile
YYD that is too funny...okay I get it! Here's one for you...
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