Monday, November 9, 2009

Cowboy Chucks Coffee Cup!

Morning....well Chuck had his cup this morning and I am having mine now. Hoping my stomach can handle it but it smelled soooooo good this morning when he ground the beans. Chuck received this bag of coffee bags from YA YA Susan who is pictured with Chuck in the picture.
The coffee this week is JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN COFFEE Chucks comments was the flavor and how smooth a coffee it is even brewed up with the amount of coffee he puts with how little of water! She gave him a 2lb bag which is gone. My comment is to find out where Susan bought it because I also really enjoyed this coffee and got to use the coffee grinder and hammer! wahooo


Anonymous said...

I bought it at costco ... limited time offer, but was before Christmas last year, so if they have more, I'll grab some for ya!

Terri McKinney said...

Please please please please please please....from Cowboy!