Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Heading out on a 12 day Pack Trip with sale horses!

Our season is coming to an end and I wonder where the summer went already. The nights are getting colder and the long weekend is coming up. Brenda and I have decided to head out the two of us and all the sale horses on a 12 day pack trip leaving tommorow. We can't wait, Racheal our cook is going with us and we will be seeing all of you soon. Remember if your competing of joining us for the weekend and you need some info call Lillian at 780-963-4993! We will be coming home just after our pack trip, once we pack up and load the horses! Happy hunting for all you hunters as your season just opened. Here are some pics of our last week...
Racheal our cook on Chewy near the hummingbird. Chuck sleeping on top of the mountain when we stopped for lunch. Scott our wrangler is sitting in a whole we found on top of the mountain. k...we are almost our of cell service again. See you all soon!!!! Terri oh I might not have my teeth by the sale weekend....NO JOKES ALLOWED. smile

Friday, August 22, 2008

Saddle sore was a HUGE success!

We had a total of 15 folks on this trip. The weather was fantastic, we swam in the river, did alot of riding. A few did have saddle sores but everyone had huge smiles. Our season has wound down now and now its time for Terri and Brenda to head out with the sale horses. We will be heading out for a big 12 day trip with all the sale horses, than head back to Camrose to get ready for the big weekend. We can't wait to see everyone again and sit around the fire. Talk to everyone next time to town.
take care, Terri!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ya Ya Trip was AWESOME!

We just came off of our Ya Ya and it was one of the best trips I have ever done! Here is the ladies looking at Lost Guide Lake. This was our pink day, except I am not wearing my hot pink wig. Will update other trips and clinics as I get the pic downloaded. Talk to you soon.

from Terri

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kam Macgregor visits us in camp!

Our first place sponsor comes out for a visit!!

Hello everyone! I finally made it to town!!!!!

We have had a very busy summer and I haven't been to town in over a month! Thanks to Lillian she has been keeping on eye on our blog. I miss blogging everyday to everyone. Here is our poster for our upcoming sale, we are getting excited about it as its just around the corner. I will post some pictures that I have to update you all. Tommorow our YA YA trip starts. We spent the last two days packing out in last night at 3:00. There was no moon and we had to take 20 horses over bog, logs, rivers ect all by a flashlight. I have alot of stories to share about this summer when I see you all at the sale. MARK IT ON YOUR CALENDARS! September 26-28, 2008! k..I better upload some pics before my laundry is done. (wahoo clean cloths!!!)

Friday, August 1, 2008

2nd Three Day Clinic

Boy, the clinics just keep getting better! I got back last night from attending another clinic at camp and everyone had a great time! This was my 3rd clinic this year! (I know what you're thinking....!!!!, I just have such a great time!) 2 days of intense learning and again, it all came together when we put it to practice on the trail. The Wild Deuce horses were superb as usual, taking riders from all levels safely out and back again. The bring your own riders were truly impressed with what they achieved. Someone, who's name I won't mention, was so excited to ride her horse today, she got up a 6:00 a.m.!!!! Now that's excited and I can report her trail ride went off without a hitch, putting into practice what they learned at the clinic!! 6 more days and back I go for a pack trip. There are still some spots left in the Aug. 28 - 30 trip and it has been changed to a Co-ed trip. The next clinic will be held Aug. 20 & 21, focusing more on young (3 years) and up as well as any problem horses you might have. Book soon, cause word is getting out just how great these ladies are. Posters for the "Working Mountain Horse Competition & Select Sale" are now ready, anyone who could put a few up would be appreciated, email me at or call me at 780-963-4993 and I'll send them out by mail.
