OK...I can't count the number of people that told me, "You're crazy!" when I said I was going to go riding right after I got the cast on my leg. Well, it wasn't RIGHT after - but that was only due to the fact that I'm not supposed to be driving my truck with a broken arm and leg. I'm relying on rides out to the pasture but have some good friends that are helping me out in that regard. Thursday I got the casts on, and today is Sunday and I finally got back in the saddle!

When I showed up, as usual, Ty came bolting up to the fence to say, "Hi". He still thinks the crutches are horse toys, but after two weeks of hobbling around on them I'm a bit more stable. He had his feet done yesterday and the farrier said it looked like he's not using his right rear foot that much.

When I watch him running around...well, he's stable on his feet which is good - no tripping; however he is really crooked so we have some work to do in the months ahead. I just wish I had both of my own feet to use, so I could start working with him. So for now I'll just let him heal.
Belle on the other hand was playing hard to catch today. She led me half way across the pasture, but she finally gave in. She led really nice and was really cautious of my space - almost like she knows I'm not 'sound'...too funny! With a friends help I got her saddled. I sat on the tailgate and was able to do her cinches up and bridle her easily. I knelt on the tailgate and with my good right hand, pulled myself up onto the saddle! RIGHT ON!

It has been too long. Before the accident I'd purchased some large stirrups to accommodate my hunting boots, and I thought they'd be perfect to stick the cast in.
However I didn't realize that with the cast coming up to just below my knee, my leg sticks out a ways, and I can't even get it into the stirrup. But we made out all right, and went for a little ride around the yard. It was more of a trial run than anything, but hey - I'm back in the saddle! YEEHAW!