Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring must be just around the corner...

I awoke to what I thought was the sun coming up, but it was the moon! Wow, was it bright and wow was up early 4:45am to be exact. I thought the warm bed would be nice and went back to bed...smile. I ran to town to get this neat little face mask, ain't I purty! smile. Than tonight the moon was amazing so I snapped a shot! Been thinking alot about the month's contest but will tell you with a glass of Wednesday wine tommorow. I picked up a nice labeled Canadian wine today. Oh, I bought the face mask so that warm weather is on its way, as that is how murphy's law works! I was suppose to be in Turner Valley tonight at Anchor D outfitting enjoying a spa/wine night, but with this cold and one of my horses getting a cut. I am here, but I treated myself to a foot soak tonight (not the same by any means but...such as life!). Night all...


Terri McKinney said...

now that I look at me in that mask...it scares me like Brenda's eye!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We watched the moon rise last nite at about 7:45 .... mck thought it was a big pink jelly fish coming down the highway! It was awesome. We laughed ... it followed us all the way home.

Terri McKinney said...

it was a very cool moon, I was going to go riding tonight but the moon is hiding! so never went. were you riding or driving?