Wednesday, December 24, 2008

W2 Wednesday Wine Tasting...

It's ALMOST CHRISTMAS DAY! yee haw... I ate lots and enjoyed some good wine with my family tonight, I hope you all did the same. We have four mintues to go till the big day. My sister is adding her favorite wine tonight (Connie holding the glass of wine, my older sister.) It is a white wine Dienhardt Riesling from Germany. Its a sweeter wine and price ranges between $12-$15 per bottle. I haven't tried it, but she is bringing me a bottle on boxing day, so will let you know my thoughts. I added pics of all the sweets my other sis Tracy cooked up, my neice in her pretty dress. The pic of me and the PERFECT Ya Ya shirt is in Vegas....and I never bought the shirt. ugh. Next time, I will buy one for me and one for each of the Ya Ya's. Okay...its now CHRISTMAS....MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. Talk to you tommorow, sleep tight and check your stockings in the morning.

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