Monday, March 22, 2010

"Spud" in his new home!

A while ago we posted pictures of my new horse...I had no idea what to name him, so I just started referring to him as Spud. I'm really not sure why. But it stuck! Now everyone is calling him Spud it is! He is coming along great. He's got a lot of attitude, but we get along great. I've had him saddled and didn't get too excited about that.
He is pastured with my other gelding, Ty, and they're great with each other. Ty is the leader which is good; Ty likes to hang out with people and always comes running when he sees my truck pulling up. Spud is picking up those habits. It's hilarious to watch them though - Spud copies everything that Ty does. Ty goes for a drink, Spud takes a drink. Ty rolls in the dirt, Spud rolls in the dirt (gonna be fun keeping him clean!).

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