Saturday, February 26, 2011

Canmore or bust!!!

We headed out in some nasty cold weather to ski...crossing our fingers it would get warmer!

As the day was cold and we met up with YA YA Susan we thought shopping was in order.
They took us to a climbing store and I found some awesome cheap neck rope! The guy was also a climbing guy and super nice along with some great information! It was a different world but it included the mountain so was very cool.

Next store Susan discovers something new...but had a great sound! smile

Our view from the room...

In the room...getting ready for the Mexican fiesta!!!

Half the ski lifts were closed the next day and everyone headed home...we headed to Banff for the day to eat, shop and HOT TUB!

Hot springs felt good...

It was cold but clear blue skies and great photo opt!

Going home..

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