Saturday, October 9, 2010

Trying something new this winter!

ONE DAY ON THE RANCH... I was hunting around the old barns and came across a complete harness! I knew there was driving equipment there but I never imagined a full rig! Isn't that cool?! All the collars are really old and still stuffed with straw, so they're not in great shape (but still really cool!). And there wasn't one that was big enough to fit Slim...but the harness just needs some cleaning. Doesn't Slim look impressed? "Mom...what the... ?!!"

SSOOO.... Now I just need the wagon, and more harness, and more learning about teams...yada yada, yada... But hopefully this winter I can master the trade and be able to pack even MORE gear out to the hills!

AND...all my friends are invited over for wagon rides!



Anonymous said...

hey Brenda

check out infomall they sell tons of used wagons and stuff

Anonymous said...

infomall? what's that!?!


Anonymous said...

slim does not look impressed with all that stuff on him