Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wind really sucks....

Been busy.... Cowboy Chuck is gone farming so not sure what is in his cup these days! He is working nights seeding and sleeping the afternoon's. I however am trying to drink more tea than coffee....hmmm I am sure that will catch on soon! smile. Been doing lots of round penning for folks who want to have horses trained these days and getting my string out. I even felt a bit stiff this morning after about 20miles of riding yesterday and one paint horse loosing his lid (the owner was told today...) Today I was busy cleaning and getting ready for the big clinic this weekend! VERY EXCITED! We are not full so if you want to last minute join us email me at w2outfitting@yahoo.ca the tunnel of tarp on the course is flapping pretty hard these days!
Stupid weather...snow flakes ARE NOT OKAY right now! I was fencing a bit tonight and could see my breath, not cool. Blanketed all the horses and now I am hitting the hay. Tommorow I will try Lis's home made wine! stay tuned...oh I need another contest too don't I? hmmm....will sleep on it. night


YYL said...

It more than sucks, it blows! LOL

Terri McKinney said...

I agree....ahhhhhhh (I am being blown awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy