Wednesday, May 13, 2009

W2 Wednesday Wine Tasting... you want the good news or the bad? Let's back up...our wine this week is home made and comes from my friend Lis whom I visited last week. Okay....I had a GREAT day and will tell you why tommorow. But I came home late after a day of fencing. So I came in and put Taylor to sleep and poured myself some wine in a to go cup and went out to do chores in the dark! Good news, I had sip and it was quite tasty...bad news, I feed the horses grain at night. I put my mug on the table in the barn, opened the door it was all going good until Blueberry (a training horse) was hyper and knocked the table and down the mug went....all the Wednesday Wine on the floor....stay tuned! night all, talk to you tommorow!


Lillian said...

Glad I drank mine in the house and not the barn. You don't know what you missed!

Anonymous said...

Out of wine ....
Life is Crap!