Sunday, March 13, 2011


Thank God the weather turned! Remember that horse almanac? It's SO going to stay warm....! It is so motivating to get things done!

In this warm weather I've been able to start Casablanca. Remember her...? She's my registered Sport Horse, English prospect. Wonderful floating movement. I'm excited to get her going over jumps! English riders take notice!

This is Casablanca on her third ride. First one I hopped on and got her moving around, then had Guy lead me.

Then the second I rode around the yard, with the big equipment, through the different yards. She didn't spook at anything. Just alot of staring...!

The third one I rode her down to the bottom pens to feed the horses there. It's a good 2km ride each way, by herself.

Just showing her with her reins caught around the fence post. Didn't even phase her. It all goes back to foundation people! :)

On the way back up...

What you can't see in this picture is that we're crossing a stream with big culverts on each side of the road.
Resting at the end of the day. I'm very impressed with Casablanca so far. She has never offered to rear or buck in any of her training so far. Some horses you feel safe on even when you're first starting them. Casablanca is one of those for me!

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