Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I have been up to since the hunt!

We dropped off the horses after the trip and the rest of the ponies came running up to see what was going on!

Here is the new horse we or (Blaine) named Boon...mmm he is a looker! Someone is going to like him at the sale in 2011!

Chuck and Bonnie posing!

Taylor with my new favorite, the MacGregor horse I bought at the 2010 sale. I have named him Kane...loving him!

Meet Ringo! He is another Wild Deuce horse going to the 2011 sale. He is coming 4 and very well bred with PEPINICS MASTER as his grandfather!

Blaze looking fat and happy and being himself!

On our way out to camp we noticed a vac truck going into the pen with the horses checking him out!

On our way back to camp, at the T was some fat and happy wild horses who didn't bat and eye when I stopped to take a picture.

Our kitchen, cleaned up for another year.

The highline and gear tent all gone...

Good bye camp...and to "Freedom" mountain for 2010! See you next spring...

My foal Sierra...has GROWN! And is very sassy..

We loaded her and Jessie up to take them home so I can wean her!

Canadian Finals Rodeo begins and we hook up with friends. Here the guys just bought beer holders...let the games begin!

Brian thought a good ice holder to chill beer was Brain McRann's boot...

Out for supper the crew headed...

This is how you keep your wranglers from going to far over the winter!!

Brian care to explain this one???

Chuck and his man ladies!!!

It was so nice going for supper with everyone who could make it and CFR was over for another year.

Redneck on ice!!

We hope everyone is staying warm in this cold and enjoying friends and hey have a fiesta like Brenda!!!


Brian said...

just remember Terri I have pictures too. I believe there is a supper coming up in a couple of months. I have got lots of time to plan LOL

Terri McKinney said...

Brian...this supper is an invite situation Brian!!!!! smile, can't wait to see you again for more laughs!