Sunday, November 21, 2010


What better way to celebrate in the cold and snow than to have dinner with friends Mexican Style!

There were prizes for best dressed...

This pose from McKinley suprised no one. lol! She dawned shorts and tank top for the nite.

Guy bleached his hair....

Scott won best dressed with his 'Old El Paso; hat. Here he is trying to pick up a date for supper!

I wore a bikini Red-Neck style...... with thermals underneath!

Scott made REAL margaritas without a bought mix. Easy too! They were SOOOOO good!

Sorry Shannon, I had to! lol! What was that dance called again???!! hee hee!

Dinner was so good. Everyone brought something. We had pulled pork burritos, flaming cheese, mexican lasagna, home-made salsa, and a prize winning mexican soup from Susan. And of course, chocolate fondue for dessert. That's Mexican, isn't it?!?!

McKinley up to her usual..can you tell by the look on her face. Some people at dinner got nick-names. Here's Guy wearing his name tag. I think his nick-name might stick!! LOL!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - great pics!!

Way too much fun!