Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ride Cowboy!

We just got back into internet-land! We had a great weekend with our 2010 Mountain Cattle Call guests! Our new cowboys and cowgirls helped us round up and move our cows, and literally learned the ropes about roping, doctoring cows and tagging calves. We had a great time with our new friends over the Saturday night beer tasting - which went into the wee hours... The weather was great and we enjoyed some fantastic riding as well. On Sunday we headed AWAY from the cows, took a ride down the trail and had lunch and cowboy coffee along the river. A big thanks to our friends Guy, John and Grant, who helped us cowboy for the weekend.

We packed Zip with a couple salt blocks to take out to the cows. He doesn't seem to be too concerned...looks like he's taking a quick snooze!

Guy has a calf on the rope while his dog goes head to head with Mom!

Chuck holds a cow while Guy administers an injection.

The group has lunch on the trail; Chuck and Guy stoke the fire for fresh cowboy coffee!

Here's a shot of the whole group - YEEHAW!

Another great day! The group heads home after rounding up the herd.

Slim looks out over the cows...

Cowboys and Cowgirls try their hand at roping! OK - I gotta mention the guy in the red - Sasha. This guy deserves the honorary cowboy award of the trip! He was so into it; he practiced roping and even tried roping off his mount, Hitman (I think they got along great!). He was even up at the same time I was...and ready to saddle and ride!

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Thanks very much Terri and Brenda for an unforgetable, wonderful weekend!!! Great horses, awesome food and meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones. This time out at your camp meant the world to me.