Great Western Boot Adventure brought to from Lisa's boots...
Lisa has owned these boots for 20 years and Cara and I thought she needed to step into the present so with that said...we took her boots when she bought a new pair. WE came up with a boot adventure, Cara will be taking one boot and I will be taking the other boot and they will be going on adventures! The very first adventure they will be going to together before they are split up is our annual Wild Deuce Thank you Dinner at the Kingman Hall November 17, 2012 where there is a chili cook off between Chuck and Terri! This dinner is put on as a thank you to our sponsors and our volunteers!!! So watch all winter as the boots go on quite the adventure...there is sand and elephants in the future for these boots! For all you bloggers, this adventure will only be on the blog and NOT on face book...wink wink!
1 comment:
Well this sounds like fun!
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