Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lost horses...
At the end of August we had a young bear get between our camp and the horses and spooked them off. 8 horses were lost for 2 days then 5 came back, but Ranger, Ringo and Chevyo were still missing and we searched! With no luck we had to head back to the sale and then waited for snow. My brother in law Brian, Ken and Vic along with me, we headed back and 2 of horses had been caught by hunters. I was so happy, been a long 2 months of worrying about them but now on our last trip before the heavy snow they were found. It was a stunning trip after knowing we had them and we snuck up to Lost Guide for a day trip before heading home in the snow storm.
Follow along on the...
Great Western Boot Adventure brought to from Lisa's boots...
Lisa has owned these boots for 20 years and Cara and I thought she needed to step into the present so with that said...we took her boots when she bought a new pair. WE came up with a boot adventure, Cara will be taking one boot and I will be taking the other boot and they will be going on adventures! The very first adventure they will be going to together before they are split up is our annual Wild Deuce Thank you Dinner at the Kingman Hall November 17, 2012 where there is a chili cook off between Chuck and Terri! This dinner is put on as a thank you to our sponsors and our volunteers!!! So watch all winter as the boots go on quite the adventure...there is sand and elephants in the future for these boots! For all you bloggers, this adventure will only be on the blog and NOT on face book...wink wink!Horses All November issue...
Here is the link to the latest edition of Horses all, this month I talk about how to shop for a mountain horse! Thoughts???
Keeping you updated...this is for the non facebookers!
2012 Sale results...was another great sale!
2012 Wild Deuce 8th Annual Working Mountain Horse Competition & Select Sale - Kingman, AB - Sept 30

Wild Deuce's 8th Annual Working Mountain Horse Competition & Select Sale a HUGE Success best one yet!
Rafter Ruff Ryders 4-H Club welcomed everyone to Wild Deuce's 8th Annual Working Mountain Horse Competition & Select Sale. Wild Deuce welcomed everyone, not just buyers to their family farm where Terri is the 6th generation. This is not your average sale or weekend and folks are noticing the quality and enjoyment you can have on a horse. It is a weekend you will mark on your calendars each year. This year we noticed way more fun and games despite the bad run of luck Wild Deuce has encountered in the last month. After a bear chased out 8 of Wild Deuce's horses at their high camp in the Rocky mountains, only 5 came back 3 of the horses are still lost in the mountains. On one of the search parties Terri's sale horse Kita died of colic and her other sale horse Kat received a puncture wound due to rough bush country. Consignor Brenda Miller broke her arm while Craig of Two C Ranch cut his hand through to the tendons. Despite the twists and turns life threw at Wild Deuce and there consignors the show went on. The 25 horses were narrowed down to 9 amazing sale horses.

The honesty was spoken each day when Terri addressed everyone with how their summer and fall had gone. She wanted to make sure everyone understood where she was coming from. From having great guests, to their horses going to Calgary Stampede, she addressed the facts
- If the horses are not ready for the sale they are pulled period
- This is not a 60 day wonder or prospect sale, the horses have minimum a year under their belts
- Honest hard miles not a few ditch miles or circles in the arena, Wild Deuce horses see 1500 miles a summer!
- A safe place for buyers to buy honest, using, seasoned horses with the honesty told to you on each.
- She commented on how many people came to her for horse training ,being sold the wrong horse & how it added fuel to her in starting this sale.
- The proof is in the pudding she quoted from her dad and that is why we want you the buyer to do your homework for a lifetime of awesome miles on your horse. They do the miles and training for you the BUYER!

It was great to see this mountain girl speak from her heart and hold nothing back. The feel of the weekend left you with the feeling you were a part of something and not wanting to leave. Wild Deuce and there family and friends are sharing something with us besides great using horses but the courage to try new things with our horses and the thought you don't need a field of horses for all the events, you need one!
After Terri spoke then we watched the line of sale horses stand quietly while a dog ran over the front of the horses while their wrangler/consignor Pam Didier and their daughter Taylor (11) ran across the horses bums. The point was bold and the crowd loved it.

Friday had a record number of open competitors from all over the province with 24 in the adult division and 8 in the youth division. The overall consensus was that Wild Deuce made a fun weekend and the course was a challenge! This year one of the new obstacles were getting off, setting a camera then running back to your horse who is ground tied, leap on and smile for the camera. There was a new judge fellow outfitter from Anchor D, Jan Matthews along with Rachel Troughear and back for his second year was the original MANTRACKER Terry Grant.
Friday had demo's with a new demo done in the UFA demo ring was from John Pouliot on how to trim your weanling for the first time, it had a huge crowd. Wild Deuce through this weekend want to offer free demo's for everyone to watch & learn, they plan on expanding this for next year. Vet checks were done in the open by Stockyards vet services for all the buyers to watch. A free delicious Pig Roast sponsored by Curty's Oilfield and Tofield Packers was enjoyed by everyone. Later in the evening Wild Deuce & their consignors once again thrilled the crowd with their "Fun relay race" which showed you the versatility and speed of each sale horse & a sore belly from laughing! The evening was enjoyed around the fire with a great father/daughter Wally Glimm band singing great old country.
Saturday greeted the day with warmth and excitement for anyone wanting to buy a horse. A free pancake breakfast by Food with Flair. Walking through the STARS silent auction and the Backcountry Tradeshow which had for the first time MINI DONUTS!!! The items in the STARS silent auction and Tradeshow made for great shopping and for a great cause.
Terri while riding her stallion invited everyone to walk the course so the buyers could see the difficulty in the course and the footing the horses go over. With the sale horses going through the challenging 16 obstacles ,the demo ring and kid's corner were busy. Wild Deuce's fun hunt began early for the open competitors. MANTRACKER was busy taking photo's with folks with full proceeds going to STARS. Kayla Burrington and Cindy Schafer were busy taking pictures and selling them with full proceeds going to STARS. STARS is Wild Deuce's charity of choice after Terri taking a flight when a horse stepped on her head. Cousin Kerry made fresh homemade cookies that of course everyone loved and full proceeds went to STARS! Neil Dimmock who normally does his impressive 6 horse hitch was un able to come due to work commitments. Did this stop Wild Deuce from filling in the gap…no. Wild Deuce and their friends jumped into Earl's wagon (the horse taxi) and did a spoof race with a bouncy horse, falling out of the wagon, falling off of horses and Taylor, Chuck and Terri's daughter dressing in costume on her sale horse Farmer. It reminded everyone of the fun you can have with horses and the fun they have with each other! Again not like any other weekend and not just for buyers but for horsemen from all skills. At 5:00 the thank you began before the catered BBQ.

In the Open Competition the sponsors and winners are:
- Champion Russ Shandro sponsored by Wild Deuce Retreats & Outfitting
- Reserve Champion Susan Wall sponsored by Total Orthotics
- Ken Pohl sponsored by Lammles Western Wear & Tack
- Donna Bellerive sponsored by Wild Deuce Retreats & Outfitting
- Jessica Cumming sponsored by Summit Outfitters Supplies
- Champion Craig Reesor on Lot # 6 DV Hollywood Chex 08
- Reserve Champion Cynda Dider on Lot # 10 Bubbles
- 3rd in points was Wild Deuce riding Lot # 11 Lynx
- 3rd in prizes Dawn Didier on Lot #13 A V Beau Heza
- Over all buckle donated by Ken McKinney was Russ Shandro

Saturday night wrapped up with Wild Deuce heading down the lane in two wagons with guitars going and voices belting out the tunes. Wild Deuce treats the VIP's the sponsors and media with an evening wagon ride while the consignors ride along as the outriders. The fire was enjoyed with the guitars, visiting and a moustache contest!
Sunday anxious buyers were geared up for the 8th annual sale. Wild Deuce provides a great weekend for the buyers to watch, learn and get informed about each and every horse. This sale offers honest keeper type horses with no lines or stories left under the carpet. It was obvious the word has spread about this sale and the honesty behind Wild Deuce after watching trailer after trailer roll down the lane. The caliber of horses shown throughout the weekend is setting a bar in the horse sales of today and it showed in the double amount of buyers arriving from BC to Ontario from the previous year. Church service and a breakfast started the day and then the buyers were able to try the horses. Tack started at 10-30 with long time friends Ted and Deb Deagle selling over 40 years of horse gear. Before the sale STARS final total was released of $4747.00, another great total for such a great cause. Wild Deuce and the consignors then entered the ring where Terri "commented on the caliber, miles and the foundation in each and every horse. They then let the dog and wrangler run across the horses bum and with that introduction the sale began. The results were all 9 horses were sold.
The top selling horses were:
- Lot #9 Edge consigned by Johnnie Gillis $17 500.00
- Lot #11 Lynx consigned by Wild Deuce $15 000.00
- Lot #6 DV Hollywood Chex 08 consigned by Two C Ranch $14 000.00
- Lot #8 Farmer consigned by Wild Deuce $11 000.00
- Lot #4 Bugaboo consigned by Pam Didier $9000.00
Average Selling Price on the 9 horses sold is $10 411.11 ,an all time high and the buyers are showing their appreciation for great using, well trained horses. The word has spread and is spreading about this great weekend.The dates for next year's sale are September 27-29 2013 at the same location.
Good morning...been a long time!
Update on our season, last summer went went, spring clinics were great and I was happy to say three foals from our stud Just Z Distinquished (studly) and I re-bred 5 mares for spring 2013. Such a great chapter to my life as I am breeding from a trainers perspective as I am the first to admit I am not a breeder. Then we headed to the mountains end of May and our 60 day horse training horses arrived. June was wet and we seen a ton of rain, the clearwater river kept rising and the chance of getting across was gone. I was asked by Horses All Magazine to write a monthly article about the backcountry and was so tickled pink about it. The wild horses surrounded us again this summer and again I was a good student and watched them. Pam Didier joined us this year as our wrangler for her first year and yep she is not going anywhere! She brought in her sale horse bug and used him all summer.
July came in with some sun and we were happy to see it so the river would go down in time for our ladies retreats and saddle sore. We were also asked by the Australian Infantry if they could borrow 10 horses to take to Calgary Stampede's 100th Stampede....this was so exciting! We didn't quite know what they wanted but wasn't worried and then they arrived. They needed horses to roman ride, lay down and gallop around with swords stabbing things....okay! Our team Mike and Arvid were used as the roman riding horses and G Taylor's horse was used in a skit where he layed down, they had 9 of our horses for 3 weeks and they were impressed. So was I when I seen the show, our horses had never been to town and to watch them do tasks never taught did bring a tear to my eye. The horses that went were, Farmer, Carter, Bert, Scout, Kita, Macy, G, Mike and Arvid. Farmer and Arvid LOVED IT...back to camp we went after Calgary after a fine time.
Two of the young auzzie boys Wes and Josh came back with us and stayed the summer, was great having them and they were a big help! Was so hard when they left but I know I will see them again, hopefully next summer.
We were lucky to get camp in just in time for the first trip of 13 ladies including the masseuse and her massage table! The river was still high but crossable. Chuck was lucky to get a bigger team Ben and Fred and they crossed the river so good. Our trips were amazing this year and we met so many really really nice people who have become friends! Last year we only ran 2 pack trips and one high mountain clinic...why because we love what we do and sharing our neck of the woods. This can never become a job and with that said we will only run a few each year for that.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hello's something new... I'm Brian, W2's new cook for the past couple years and heading into number 3!
What have we got to look forward to? Great eats, great company, a few drinks, and a whole lot of laughter.
Terri asked if I could blog a few recipes and stories and I jumped at the chance... never blogged before so keep that in mind as I ramble.
I thought I'd start by telling the story how I got the job.
Couple years ago at Easter, the family all gathered and we all prepared the feast. Suddenly panic set in when Terri exclaimed,"I forgot the caesar salad dressing!"
I said so let's make some... Terri looked at me like I had 3 eyes... like who doesn't know how to make caesar salad dressing?.. With blender in hand, we saved the day... at which point Terri said, "what are you doing next summer?" And the rest as they say is history.
I'll post the recipe for the dressing next time as this is getting long!
Have a great day!

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
I am still here...
Been a great winter this far, Brenda has been busy riding, working and enjoying the nice Alberta winter while I am down in Arizona enjoying riding in the desert with the three horses I brought Carter, Quincy and Taylor's horse G.
The blog is not letting me add pictures here anymore but there are a ton on our Facebook page! See you there and see you soon down the trail!