Sunday, October 2, 2011

Post Competition weekend.......

It was so good to see everyone! What a fantastic weekend we had! I've got some pictures for you. I'm sure most of you have already seen the pics that Terri posted on Facebook. I don't have the ones from our photographers yet, but here's some that I snapped....
Guy was super excited to ride the custom-made bike into the STARS Silent Auction Tent. The bike wasn't donated but a custom paint job was. Thanks so much Dave!

Everyone walks the course on Friday.

Judges... or partners in crime... the jury is out on that one. All our judges volunteer their time. Thank you to Terry Grant (Mantracker), Rachel Troughear, Ken McKinney, Grant Kihn and John Pouliot for your expertise!

A great view of the STARS wagon on the course.

My mom took over manning the Show Office from Lillian this year. Eeeekkk! With lots of help from Andrea, Scott and Lillian the team made another year look flawless from the outside looking in. We have new computer programs to help things run more smoothly and it gets easier every year! Thanks to the Show Office volunteers!

Scott brings his handyman experience to the entire weekend. He sets up the programs in the office and mans the demo ring and speaker system that's not in the in-field. Thanks Scott!

Ahhhh.... Amy.... I had to....! Has everyone met Amy, her horse, Hank, and her wonderful dog MALCOM?!?!  Amy is a vet in Devon and a sponsor for the competition. Did I mention I love her dog?!?  :)

We all get tired of walking back and forth across the grounds. Earl volunteers every year with his great team of Fjords, Maggie and Bonkers, to be the free taxi that saves all of our feet!

Earl..... EVERYONE thanks you!

The announcer and auctioneer, Terry Carter, and Slim take a break inbetween competitors.


Anyone who knows Karen, or didn`t know Karen before the weekend but does now, knows that when she found out Mantracker was coming to the show, she HAD to go with it. And GO SHE DID!  The weekend was non-stop with laughter, banter and pure fun.... She even bought a shirt like Terry`s!

Mantracker... can you see me now....
Karen, Terry and the Mantracker doll..
We were very thankful to have 3 photographers taking pictures over the weekend. Thank you to Coralee Chapman, MaxTchikhatvhev (did I spell that right)  and Kayla Burrington. I will hopefully be picking up their pictures soon!

Volunteers are what make the weekend go round.  Here`s this years cook, Brian helping out in the in-field.

My sister, Cheryl, brought her horse, George, to ride while making many miles helping out with anything and EVERYTHING! Thanks Cheryl and Brian, and ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS!

Hmmm....... Who else but....... lol!

Jessie finally wears a hat. Nice hat Jessie! hee hee!

Early morning consignor safety meeting.

Nice P.J.`s Rachel.  ....Sorry, I just had to!  lol! You look MARVELOUS DARLING!!!!!  lol!

That`s all for now.  I hope everyone had a great weekend meeting with old and new friends. We loved seeing you all!

Keep riding!


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