Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hanging out with Horses

Family day at the farm! Belle stands behind me as her colt is fast asleep in my lap, and my mother watches with camera in hand. "Sparky" - the miniature wants in on the action and the cat is exiting stage left!

A horse with a cat's tail?!? The little guy is getting bigger. The tarp is officially his favorite toy. He took the tarp, laid down on it, then grabbed it and pull it over himself. The cat thought it would be a great place to snooze and crawled in too.

Spud is doing great - he doesn't seem to be bothered by much...I'm just realizing the cat is in every one of these pictures so far. I was a little late with the camera, but the cat was stretched out on top of him.
A friend of mine, Karen, who has been promising to come see the horses for YEARS stopped by last night. The colt just loved her.

Last night was a great opportunity for photos. Here's a shot of Belle, and one of her and the colt. The little guy - who still remains nameless (I KNOW!) is really starting to show his personality now. He can be super playful - and likes to run like his Mom - but he's showing a quiet respectful side too, which is nice to see. He isn't bothered being away from Mom while we're training, and it looks like he's going to be a quick learner.

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