Monday, July 13, 2009

Wild Deuce meets the RCMP

We had fun taking pictures with people in the big city! One day while Brenda was gone she came back with a badge. She is now an official helper of the Calgary Police. I on the other hand almost got thrown in While out at the chuckwagon's with Wrangler Scott and Wrangler Heidi. We ran into the cops and I wanted to show them my broken hunting knife. While pulling it out they reached for there guns, (which I didn't see cuz I was pulling my knife out). Heidi on the other hand did see it and was very worried. Anyways when I came out with a broke knife and a big was all good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - love the picture of you in the Navy suit .... you look like a bug with the lamp post behind you looking like an antennae!! LMAO