Monday, July 13, 2009

More highlights of Calgary Stampede

We stand up on our horses for a picture with the fireworks!

We met a reporter with CTV who jumped on Jessie for a picture.

Our wranglers in the big city...

Peso, Jessie and Dale enjoy some grass on the curb.

Yep there was a limo sitting there and we had to ask if we could sit in it!

Milly enjoyed the stampede and riding with me around the grounds!

Good food!

The wranglers gone WILD!

oh boy Brenda.....

They made me put on a very hot suit from was different and I scared a few people running at them in it!

Our helpers looking Ya Ya Susan!

We were driving out for the night and seen this little horse not wanting to load. Heidi wanted to help, than we watched a person just lift the mini in and than they closed the door. Mental matter what the size of a horse, still a horse!

How can you not want a car like this...hey Deb?

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