Monday, June 15, 2009

Great day in the hills!

The sun was shining, there was NO SNOW...what a great day for a ride! Our friend Susan called me up to go for a ride. I was on my way to ride Belle and Snip anyway so why not? I met Susan and her family near Bragg Creek and we spent the afternoon on the trail. Her daughter Mckinley - who is a great little rider! - rode with us, while her husband Shannon and son Evan took off on their mountain bikes. Halfway through our ride we bumped into them, so we had to take a family pic. In the other pictures, Mckinley's horse shows us just how much water she can splash up with her nose, and Scott, Belle and Snip run to jump over a log. We saw lots of bikers and hikers on this trail, so that was great for the horses - as were the bridges, jumps, water crossings...

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