Tuesday, April 7, 2009

After supper at the clinic we had a pile of fun!

After yet another incredible meal made by Wendy the crew sat around for a bit. Before we all fell asleep from a great day of learning we thought skiing was in order but with it being dark we looked at the arena. There was a young cow hand riding his horse in the arena so we approached him to pull us around. We had no ski boots as Chuck's boots fit perfectly. Everyone had to wear his boots (it was a bit harder for the girls as they were big). After the skiing we rode the log, only Curt was able to stay on. Now that everyone was wide awake and their tummies hurt from laughing so hard as Curt did run into the boards on one attempt! We played a game of spoons (as we know this would get rough, we set up some barrels with a board in the arena). Well, the table was flipped a lot, we ran, we fell, some of us ate sand (I was one of them), we roped each other, we tackled, we broke spoons, some band-aids were needed and we had more fun than a bull in a china shop! Some of us were a tad bit stiff in the morning but with grins a mile wide!

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