Saturday, May 8, 2010

Raising money for STARS

Yesterday, Susan and I went to see her brother Howard, who is the Store Manager at AGRO in the NE of Calgary. Howard is helping us to raise $10,000 for STARS this fall at our Working Mountain Horse Competition. Each year we usually are able to give $3000 to STARS for their great work, but this year is their 25th Anniversary so we have set our goals high!

Howard was very generous, letting Susan and I choose from their wide array of John Deere paraphanalia, to donate $250 worth of merchandise. And do they have some cool stuff! Who knew??!! :)
I wanted the John Deere steering wheel cover..., but we opted for a Remote Control John Deere Gator (how cool is that!?), a John Deere Crib Board, a hoodie and two styles of hats (one for the ladies, one for the men).
It is very obvious that Howard likes his job. When I asked if we could get a picture of him for the blog and website, he said, 'yeah, let me go pull a tractor up!' A little more than I was expecting, but he sure had a big smile on is face! Very cool Howard! Tractors are sure fancy these days! Not like when I was young.... LOL. :) If you want to check out what John Deere has to offer you can go to WWW.AGROALBERTA.CA.
We appreciate any donations for our STARS Silent Auction. Anyone wanting to help us meet our goal of raising $10,000 for STARS, can contact us via email.
Thanks again Howard & AGRO!

1 comment:

Terri McKinney said...

That is really cool Susan and Brenda!!! Way to go...Stars goal here we come!