still wasn't cooperating with us SO...
thanks to the McCarroll's just outside
of Camrose, we were able to move
of Camrose, we were able to move
inside. Thanks Dirk. It was sure nice to be dry!
The first two days we spent in the
The first two days we spent in the
round pen learning exercises and
By the third
I was afraid of Angus because of a wreck about a year ago, thought it was trust issues, but now I know differently. Terri & Brenda you were awesome with me and Angus! I learned so much and can't wait to keep working with Angus... I wish that the world would know about your training techniques! You guys are going to have to write a book one day!!!!! ...but you know, you need to see it in real life, it doesn't get any better than that! Awesome, awesome, awesome and Thank you, thank you, thank you! Gail Weiterman
Thanks troops!